Saturday, May 31, 2014

One thing leads to another…


Just when you think you have it all prepared something always seems to crop up. After dealing with a last-minute seacock replacement on the day of launch we had to deal with what had originally appeared to be just a minor 'sweat' leak in the engine's cooling system – a corroded cooling pipe had cracked – this resulted in a long delay getting the correct engine part delivered…we are still in the UK, aren't we? – so, a make-do repair to allow us to move on after out-staying our welcome on the river gave us time to wait for the couriers to do their thing and an opportunity to see more of the IOW including the colourful Old Gaffers Festival in Yarmouth.

Next we will make our way along the south coast finishing off some minor jobs and search for a new life raft while we dream about easier times.